Exhibition 2022: Dance in Art

The exhibition Dance in Art is created in the same impulsive, spontaneous and colorful way as Rachid's approach to creativity in general. It is created out of love for Cuban dance and rhythms in late night hours, early morning hours, evening hours, where he has danced his images out of brushes, sponges, rags, cotton swabs, deeply connected to his musicality.

"Either I feel or I don't - there is not much to discuss. "

It can be said as simply as that. In addition, it can also be said that Rachid Boulmane is certainly capable of making himself feel. He surrounds himself with musical instruments, painting utensils, canvases, music and throws himself rhythmically into the dance with the canvases as the colors take on a life of their own. As they take shape the eternal message of joy and presence becomes an extension of his dancing soul.

2022 is the year in which he exhibits his dancing, colorful paintings, insisting on letting joie de vivre, positivity and hope have a place in the world and between people. He paints as he lives. Spontaneous, playful, intense, humorous, inventive, in flow with the moment.